Elena Bardina, painter and
astrologer, paints her own world.It is a world outside the
boundaries of time, one comprised of archetypes and strange
probabilities, in which there are no mistakes, only altered and
alternate perspectives. On Elena Bardina's canvas there is no
certainty. The Princess may become the Frog, tragedy becomes a
comedy, and the straightest path brings the viewer full circle to
the point of origin. Love, aesthete, Venus are the only constants.
The feminine archetype takes center stage, open and unprotected
in its proximately to other feminine energies, but transforming to
Efemme fatale'when male archetypes are present. Often, her paintings
are subtly imbued with the powerful persona of Fortune (Destiny).
Ms.Bardina's paintings depict transformation. Yet she paints
without preconception. Her brush touches the canvas sensing for a
transformation as yet unrevealed, and as her brush moves so do
events unfold, not as the pretense of a best laid plan, but from her
deepest eternal heart and soul. |